Dr. Gigi Khanyezi
Faith, Justice, Race, Healing

Jesus and Justice
Where Justice-Centered Faith
Meets the Science of Healing
in Beloved Community
With Dr. Gigi Khanyezi
Dmin: Healing Racial Trauma, Howard University School of Divinity

We bring faith leaders* into majority-BIPOC Beloved Community to heal, decolonize, and mobilize so they can be more effective agents of change...
Able to embody the justice-loving faith of the Brown-skinned revolutionary healer, Jesus of Nazareth.
*Lay or professional
We are at a tipping point in history.
You are the faith leader who knows change needs to happen and you know you're meant to be part of it.
You are committed to doing your part and you want to be more effective; you want to fulfill your potential as the change-maker you were made to be!
I've been there.
Do you know the layers of trauma from living in a racialized society are carried in your physical body?
Those generations of trauma living in your body sabotage efforts to be an effective change-maker!
In fact, that living trauma sabotages your ability to thrive, build relationships, cultivate Beloved Community, and live in the fullness of who you were made to be.
This is why
Healing is Resistance!
At the center of mobilizing for real change must also be the sacred journey of healing.
As we are equipped, as we strategize, as we mobilize... we must also heal.
There are very few spaces skilled and committed to doing all four.
You just found one...
Welcome Home

While we have our eyes on the future, History has its eyes on us.
- Amanda Gormon
Jesus and Justice™ is a majority-BIPOC Beloved Community rooted in our love for the Brown-skinned healer, Jesus of Nazareth. We are a warm space to deepen our decolonizing faith, heal the soul wound of racialized traumatic stress, and mobilize for justice in our spheres of influence.
We are a healing, liberative space for faith leaders* committed to addressing the ways historical trauma interferes with leading and cultivating Beloved Community... starting with ourselves. We need to heal. We need to be liberated. We need to decolonize.
When it shifts in us, it shifts in those we lead.
*Faith leaders can be lay or professional
10 Week Course and
Life-long Beloved Community
"What does it take to bring real change?"
After a decade in South Africa and twenty-five years on the front lines of racial healing and justice all over the world, I let this question sift me.
...Years growing up Brown in E. Oakland, High School surrounded by the KKK, Seminary one of the only women and people of color, time in Brazil, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Honduras, Mozambique, and ten years in Soweto, South Africa, all doing the work of racial justice and healing.
After all of that, what does it take to bring real change? I chewed it and wrestled with it and let it wrestle with me.
My conclusion was so profound I entered and finished a Doctorate program at Howard to develop the very model sitting in front of you!
Through that sifting came four timeless principles that are the foundation for bringing real, measurable change toward justice.
I am so committed to seeing real change and to seeing Y0U liberated in the process, I designed the Jesus and Justice™ Course and our lifelong community around this model.
Beloved Community - At the center of bringing real change toward justice is, first and foremost, community. Genuine, authentic relationships where we feel safe and accepted.
Justice-Centered Faith - Learning a decolonized, systematic theology of justice, which unveils the Brown Jesus of Nazareth and compels us from the inside out.
Healing Generational Trauma - The trauma we carry in our bodies sabotages our capacity to be effective change-makers. In this space we heal it.
The History of Race - Learning how, when, why the construct of race was strategically created so we can more effectively dismantle it today.
​When we recognize the context in which Jesus lived and
how he engaged with it, we are given a powerful charge for how our faith is meant to engage the inequity that surrounds us.
A Deeper Glimpse into the Course and Community
SPECIAL NOTE: This cohort begins right after the Inauguration. Unhealed wounds keep us vulnerable and much less effective in efforts to bring change.
There could not be a better time to heal, mobilize, and and gain a safe space.
Registration Now Open:
Next Cohort Begins Week of Jan. 27th, 2025
(Only 12 Spots Available!)
Healing Generational Trauma
Thorough Biblical Teaching: Justice and Equity as one of the most pervasive themes through the whole book
Decolonizing your image of God
How historical trauma impacts your effectiveness, and how reverse it
Healing the distortions to your identity
Majority BIPOC
Trauma-Responsive and Strengths-Based: Safe Space
The impact of a racialized society on your mental and physical health
Centers marginalized voices
History - Learn when and why the construct of race was created so you can be effective in dismantling it
The Biblical Model for Repair
Decolonize your reading of scripture
Navigating and influencing in a race-based world
Long term, private community of change-makers​
Small Group

The Jesus and Justice Course is a life changing, soul awakening, mind shifting course. It forever changed my life.
Lauryn Whitney,
Actress, Activist, Entrepreneur, Mom
" As a Black woman, a
Black mother to a Black Boy... an actress and activist, I have carried so much generational
trauma, weight, and internalized racism.
Jesus and Justice forever changed my life! The intergenerational healing moved me forward and understanding God’s heart for Justice unlocked my purpose. "
- Lauryn
From Course Alumni
" Jesus and Justice was one of the most organic/living courses I have ever taken. Transformation and freedom are happening!"
- Mattie
I took Jesus and Justice in a time when I was drowning in pain and questioning everything “Christian”. This group was truly a healing process for me. I am forever grateful. "
- Jodi
There is a liberative model centered on Brown Jesus
from Nazareth that brings real change and real hope.
IMAGINE having the hard conversations around racial justice without the dread, shame, anxiety, because the poison of triggers are removed
IMAGINE having a clear Biblical framework for JUSTICE spanning from Genesis to Revelation to draw on.
IMAGINE having a clear knowledge of the history of race, why it was created, and how it impacts society today.
IMAGINE understanding the science of intergenerational trauma, its role in justice, and healing from your own.
Are You Tired of being​
Disillusioned with "Christianity?
Confused About the Way Forward?
There is healing for the ongoing racial trauma and the pervasive shame that comes with it.
There is an understanding of how this racial trauma is passed down through generations and how to break the cycle.
And there is the Biblical model which validates that trauma and reveals the God who experienced it Himself, even to the point of being killed.

The Jesus and Justice™ Village
We are a liberative, majority-BIPoC, trauma-responsive community that is healing together, learning together, and mobilizing together.
Our life-changing course is the entry point into this Beloved Community. Many alumni describe it as splitting their lives into "before" and "after."
You are not alone in your desire to see change!
You need a community to anchor you that loves Jesus, centers justice, and centers marginalized voices.
Meet Dr. Gigi Khanyezi

Dr. Gigi Khanyezi, founder of Jesus and Justice™, is a healing-centered, anti-racist facilitator, artist, activist, writer, and speaker. She serves as a cultural architect who specializes in co-creating liberative, decolonizing, Beloved Communities that heal and mobilize toward justice. As a certified Historical Trauma Specialist, Dr. G integrates theology and neuroscience to heal the soul wound of generational trauma, especially racial. She is a Brown woman with Amish and Afro-Brazilian ancestry, who spent ten years in Soweto, South Africa doing the work of racial healing and justice.
After 30 years in the US a Brown faith-centered activist, Dr. Gigi relocated to Soweto, South Africa for ten years, where she was viewed as white! She spent those years learning how to be on the front lines of change and healing as a "white"-bodied woman; a crucible of discovery that greatly impacted her ideas about "(re)conciliation" and justice. This rare lived experience as two different races has given her the unique ability to speak to both people of color and our white-bodied siblings as someone who has lived both.
Though her most important equipping and training came from the streets of E. Oakland and Soweto, she is also indebted to the formal institutions which bestowed her tertiary degrees:
D.Min. in Healing Racial Trauma; Howard University School of Divinity
M.Div., Intercultural Ministry; Denver Seminary
BA, Sociology and African & African American Studies; UC Davis
Gigi’s greatest joy is raising her two amazing boys, Jericho and Judah, whom she fostered and adopted while in Soweto. Dr. G is also an artist in multiple genres and passionate about using the performing arts to heal marginalized peoples and challenge the systems that colonize them.